Manhattan Linda Napolitano UFO Alien Abduction Experience

Manhattan Linda Napolitano UFO Alien Abduction Experience

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Manhattan Linda Napolitano UFO Alien Abduction Experience
Article Presented by Contributing Author BJ Booth, Copyright 1994-1997

Manhattan UFO Abduction

An extremely compelling case of alien abduction is that of Linda Napolitano, which was researched by the well-known and respected Budd Hopkins. Napolitano has claimed that she was abducted by the so-called "greys," who floated her from a closed bedroom window into a hovering UFO. The craft was waiting above her Manhattan apartment building about 3:00 A.M. one December night. Linda's experience, though intriguing, is limited by memory loss associated to the floating transportation. Linda can recall vividly the actual kidnapping, and the room where she was abducted, but the transportation process itself is totally lost to her. Fortunately, her abduction was observed by several other witnesses.

Hopkins, as to be expected, has been ridiculed by many of his peers, but has been steadfast in searching out the consistent, underlying themes that run through abduction cases. Napolitano's case is remarkable and unique in itself, although following the general abduction themes on some points. At the onset of Hopkins' investigation, he received corroboration from two witnesses, who claimed to have actually seen the abduction. Though ringing a bell of suspicion, these claims would ultimately be a building block of the case itself. Agreeing perfectly with Linda's account, the two men were bodyguards of a senior United Nations statesman who was visiting Manhattan. These three men encountered an unbelievable sight.. the sight of Linda being floated through the air, and not only that..several entities were also being floated, accompanying her on her short trip to the alien craft.

The high-level of security clearance and professionalism required for the two bodyguards' positions was no help in dealing with what they had seen. What they saw that night would become a curse to them and have a deep impact on their lives. They would become irrational and psychotic, and one of them would become to think of Linda as having some unusual, extraordinary power or influence. He began to stalk her. Did he somehow blame Linda for his emotional behavior and fear? Hopkins' ongoing case would gain additional credence when more witnesses to the event would come forward with their stories. As was the usual, Hopkins kept the details of his cases private until they reached a certain level of credibility. The additional eyewitnesses stated that they too, had seen the abduction that night from the Brooklyn Bridge. The witnesses thought they were watching the filming of a scene from an upcoming sci-fi film. Hopkins could not keep the lid on the Napolitano abduction any longer.

The case would take a dramatic turn when Hopkins finally discovered the identity of the United Nations representative, or the "third man," as Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations. Naturally, Hopkins' dream would be to get Cuellar to go public with his acknowledgment of the facts of this alien abduction, which would bring the case and the entire alien abduction question to a sensational level of acceptance within the public's eye, and the scientific community. Although Cuellar corresponded with Hopkins and verified the abduction, he explained to Hopkins that he could not go public with the corroboration, for obvious reasons. Cuellar went even as far as to meet privately with Hopkins to discuss details of his observations that night, but demanded that he remain anonymous.

The Linda Napolitano affair is without question one of the best documented alien abduction cases in UFO history. Most all of these type cases are related to authorities and investigators by a single person. It is extremely unusual to have another witness, and in this case, at least 5 others, all of which had never met Napolitano before. Hopkins did an exceptional job holding together the case, despite some unusual twists and turns. The bodyguard who felt that Linda was the reason for his mental and emotional problems went so far as to kidnap her at one point, but Hopkins played peacemaker, and kept the case from being tainted. The guard would later relate that he felt Linda had been part of a hoax played out to hurt the man's career, which was not true. Skeptics, as you would expect, dismiss the case without offering any evidence to support their case, except the common belief, "it can't happen, so therefore it didn't. There have been no new facts or claims today to refute the story of Linda Napolitano or any of the other witnesses to this bizarre alien abduction.

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