I now work in Marakwet and in my local investigations for UFOs I have found that crop circles are appearing every August out in the corn and rice farms of Nandi County. In addition, my research now leads me to believe that there was a UFO Crash near Westfall in 1897, but there is virtually no public awareness of this incident here in our community.
I now believe that we are not alone and there has been a country-wide cover up for over two hundred years here in Kenya. We wish we had the resources to properly research all of the incidents we have discovered to have taken place here. If our ancestors experienced extraterrestrial life on this planet, as I am now convinced they did, then it has existed on Earth for a very long time! Jeremy
I was born and raised in Mombasa, Kenya. Since I was a child I have heard stories of extraterrestrials from our grandparents, movies, etc., but I never believed they existed. But, after this strange incident over the skies of Mombasa, I started to believe! Not long afterwards, I teamed up with my older brother and we an investigation into local sightings and experiences. We discovered that there are many cases of UFOs as well as crop circles here in Elgeiyo, Marakwet, and Busia. Jeremy
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