All of the sudden, another object enters the field of view and went from one side of the sky to the position of the aircraft I was watching in just a second, or two. It would go from one side of the aircraft to the other, then down below it, above it, stop and be completely still and it did this for several minutes until it shoots straight up and out of site.
I was in shock thinking how could something make those kinds of manuevers without killing the pilot. The object moved around the jet making right angle turns at hyper velocities without slowing down and stop on a dime. What ever this was, it was nothing I have ever seen before and wasn't not like any type of aircraft I had ever seen. If it wasn't for the thermal vision, no one could have seen this.
In my journal the next day, at 11:56 AM that morning, I wrote, "Last night was fun! Something wierd that will confuse me for life! In my thermal scan I could see plane flying overhead in 'Black L Mode'. If it wasn't for the thermal imaging, no one could see it. Not even night vision. I don't believe in UFOs, or anything, but something flew up to the plane faster than a missile and stopped, looped over it so fast, then stopped, went around it, and took off so fast at mach speeds in a zig-zag pattern, then up and down and stopped again."
When you see something that defies science and are a person of faith, and I am a person of faith, something like this is a faith shaker. The last line in my journal was, "I'll forever wonder." Justin Doerfler, Specialist, United States Army
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