EDITOR'S NOTE: To our knowledge, no physical investigation of the site where the object was seen to have interacted with the surface, over the body of water, has yet been, or was ever conducted.
After a few moments, we decided to get out of the truck and went down to a ‘gully’ where we were going to hunt. All the sudden the fields around us lit up so bright u could hardly see. My flashlight and Motorolas stopped working. No bug sounds or anything at all. Just dead silence. We were hiding and all the sudden my flashlight and Motorola s came back on. That scared us bad when that happened.
All the bugs and sounds came back and the light faded out. I don't remember walking back to my truck. I can t remember to this day. That part I don t understand did I just forget that part or what? It was a very weird experience and I won't ever forget it, that's for sure. Of course, nobody ever believes me, but it is all true. I can guarantee you that! Justin M.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The witness was unsure of the exact date, but was sure it was in 2004.
On this particular evening, I and another eyewitnessed watched an object come out of the southeast at about one hundred and forty-four degrees of the compass. The strange appearance of the object really peaked my curiosity as to what kind of craft this could be so I continued watching as it approached my position.
As it got closer toward my home, we noticed that the object had brighter lights in the front and smaller lights on the side. The lighting looked more vertical than horizontal, unlike any regular type of aircraft I was familiar with and when it was close enough I could see that it had windows! It was now so close that I could see the bottom of the craft, which was approximately two hundred feet up and about one hundred feet wide.
I could now clearly see that the object was diamond-shaped and it came to a stop at which time all of the lights went out. Then, suddenly a white glow appeared on the back of the craft at which point it shot straight up and was gone in a second. Larry Guessner
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