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Ghost Hunting Investigations with Ghost Hunter Daniel Fisher

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Ghost Hunting Investigations with Ghost Hunter Daniel Fisher
Article Presented by Contributing Author Daniel Fisher, Copyright 1994-1997

Ghost Investigations

I've been "Ghost Chasing" Since I was in my mid teens (about 16). I began my investigations by checking out other people s sightings- though I never really saw anything back then, I knew that one day I would. Now I still explore the same way, however I look for a set pattern before I even go out.

By finding a pattern, we know how a ghost appears and we can rely on it to appear with some certainty. Before I will go into anyone s home to do an investigation, I like to be sure the pattern is setup, which is very easy to achieve. When I'm first contacted, I ask the following questions:

    What is the history of your home?
    Does the apparition have a set schedule?
    What were the conditions in the home? (noise, temperature variance upon appearance, etc)?
    Are there children in the home? (or were there at the time of the apperance?)
    Do you attend church?
After these questions are answered I ask the witnesses to start an appearance diary, which allows us to obtain more information about any patterns that may or may not exist. The information needed answers questions 2 4 above, or anything else that may be notable. This allows us to figure out if it is a haunting, residual trace of a ghost, or what have you.

Based upon the determined pattern, an appointment is made for the initial investigation. The standard team of 3 or 4 goes about 2 or 3 hours early to setup the equipment. Of the team members, one will be asking the family member questions, one operating the digital video camera and the others taking pictures and temperature readings. The camera also acts as the sound recording device, so it is important to know that the person working the camera is going to be the same during each recording. The member operating the recorder will also be trying to communicate with the ghost. This sometimes triggers a vocal response with anything that may be there. Sometimes it will cause an appearance.

When entering into a research situation, it is very important have an open mind, but to also keep the mind of a skeptic. Though a hard combination to keep, This makes the family want to prove to you that something truly exists. Being a skeptic doesn't mean to go in making fun of them or saying that you don't believe them, simply that you want undisputable evidence that the apparition is indeed real, and not the figment of someone s imagination.

Once the investigation is complete, the family is informed of the results. If there is indeed an apparition present the family needs to know, and they also need to know what the nature of the being is good or bad. If the family does not want to let the ghost stay where it is, they are directed to contact the local head of their religious affiliation. Psychics are usually not recommended by myself or my team, as it is often hard to tell if a psychic is real. However, if the family has faith in a certain psychic, again, it is up to the family to make the decision on who will help from here. Unfortunately, psychics are usually very vague and can attract other spirits in the process.

This concludes the US UFO Center article entitled "Ghost Hunting Investigations with Ghost Hunter Daniel Fisher". Click Here to browse other intriguing Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Research Articles.

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