North American Bigfoot Center

Utah Bigfoot Sightings Experiences and Reports

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Read & Report Utah Bigfoot & Cryptid or Other Paranormal Experiences

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Utah Bigfoot Sightings & Experiences Reports


1977 Saint George, Utah Our family was camping in an area south to southeast of Saint George. We had set camp up after dark and were busy outside the camper while my mom was making sandwiches. While working, we started picking...
Details Cont'd: up on a strong odor that smelled like a dead cow. Just then, we noticed a glowing light south of us about half a mile, or so from our camp. It was very low to the ground and very large didn't seem to move. There was no road south of where we camped for us to get any closer to the glowing object. However, the smell got stronger as time past. It became unbearable to the point it made me sick to my stomach. We didn't want to move camp because of the lateness of the hour, but the smell was so strong that I was breathing through my sleeping bag and we were inside the camper!

I don't know how I went to sleep, but I did, when I woke up in the morning there was no smell. My dad woke before me and he had gone looking for whatever had created the odor. I did the same, but neither of us found any animal tracks, or other evidence that anything was out of place or amiss. We marked the area on our map and we have always wanted to go back there, but never have. I felt like there something there, just outside our camp. I don't know what the smell was, or what the light could have been. In addition, I have never heard of anyone having the same experience. If anyone has, I would really like to know. Please report it! Nick

EDITOR'S NOTE: There have been numberous reports of cattle mutilations having taken place where UFOs have been sighted in Utah as well as other southwestern states. This was especially widespread in the 1970s. In addition, there have been numerous reports that UFOs are seen over areas where Bigfoot has been sighted, or evidence of the presence of such as been documented. What the interest in these creatures are is still a mystery to modern science, but either of these possibilities could apply to this particular case. Accordingly, this report will appear both here and in the Utah UFO Sightings Database.

Utah Bigfoot Case Form

The following simple form offers Utah Bigfoot experiencers as well as other strange and unexplained phenomena a quick and hassle free way to submit and document these encounters. Your privacy and complete discretion is paramount, but if you prefer proper credit to the author, please check the appropriate box below to indicate it is alright to use your name with the report. If you would like to speak to someone with regard to your case please ensure that you include a valid phone number along with all other pertinent details and a make a comment to that affect in the "Comments" area of the form. We thank you for taking time to visit our site and share your Utah Bigfoot, cryptid, or other paranormal experience.

Utah Bigfoot or Cryptid
Paranormal Experience Type

Bigfoot Sighting or Experience

Bigfoot Sighting or Experience
AKA Utah Sasquatch Yeti or Wildman
Other Cryptid Experience

Other Cryptid Experience
Other Utah Hidden Animal Experiences
Other Paranormal Experience

Other Paranormal Experience
Other Utah Unexplained Experiences


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Date of Incident: (Required)

Location of Incident: (Required)

Utah Incident Report: Please describe the experience in great detail concentrating on accuracy. Include information on your surroundings, the weather, time of day, direction of travel of the subject of interest as well as all other pertinent information as it pertains to your case. These can include strange odors, sounds, temperature changes, physical effects on both person and environment, as well as general overall feelings. In short, no detail is too small as not to include it in your report as this data may prove interesting as it relates to other similar cases by comparison. This can lead to recognizable patterns of behavior as well as previously observed patterns in nature which can, in turn, lead to new discoveries, hypotheses, and theories regarding various as yet unexplained phenomena. Thank you for taking the time to submit your Utah Bigfoot sighting or Cryptid experience report.

As always, your privacy is assured and your information will never be distributed to any other entity. For added discretion, you may click on the following button to indicate whether, or not you would like your name to be used with your Utah Bigfoot Case Form.
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Thank you or taking the time to report your Utah Bigfoot sighting, or Utah paranormal experience to the Alternate Realities Center's North American Bigfoot Project...

Happy Utah Bigfoot Hunting

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